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Donating to BIPOC Adult Industry Collective for Black History Month

Making the adult industry a more inclusive space.

By Pornhub | February 09, 2024 | 2 minutes

February is Black History Month. It is a time to recognize and celebrate the countless contributions of Black Performers in our community. It is also the perfect time to uplift Black-led sex worker organizations, like the BIPOC Adult Industry Collective, who engage in direct services for sex workers. Groups like this advocate for Black talent to help ensure the community continues to grow as a diverse, equal, and safe space for all.

This year, we are donating to the BIPOC Adult Industry Collective.

The BIPOC Adult Industry Collective is an organization that offers resources, education, and support services to help make the adult entertainment industry a racist-free, safe space for BIPOC Performers. Well-being is at the forefront of their mission. The Collective provides financial assistance, peer-led education, labor advocacy, and expands access to mental health services and medical care to marginalized people in the sex trades.

Too often, internalized whorephobia leads people to believe that individuals working in the online and legal sex trade don't experience basic needs insecurity, threats to their personal safety, or negative encounters with the legal system,” says BIPOC AIC founder Sinnamon Love. “As a long-time sex worker in the formal and informal economies, I recognize that for many people living at the margins, diversifying income streams can help, but doesn't automatically mean housing and food insecurity go away. Through grants and donations from our generous donors and sponsors, we aim to fill the economic gap and ensure that content creators and porn performers are able to get the support and resources they need to thrive.”

We encourage you to check out the BIPOC Adult Industry Collective and see what they have to offer. If you are able, please consider making a tax-deductible donation here.

Throughout the month of February, we will be celebrating Black History Month on Pornhub and the blog, so make sure to check back frequently!
