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Beta Prejac
Beta Prejac

Beta Prejac

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Über Beta Prejac
IVE GONE FEMBOY 😅😈☺️ Fresh into crossdressing and being a slut Join me on my Journey to become a instant cummer. A premature ejaculator. I can assist other on their journey as well. I have a done lot of research and experiments and im an open book. Searching for a female or male dom to fully submit to. Check my Stream for a detailed “how to” on becoming a prejac
Beziehungsstatus: Single
Interessiert an: Männer und Frauen
Stadt und Land: Dallas, United States
Geschlecht: Männlich
Anturner: pegging Cuck holding Censored Pixels No cum Gooning Goongasm
Video-Ansichten: 355.872
Profilansichten: 184.747
Angesehene Videos: 113


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How to become a Premature Ejaculator

Phase 1. Medium-term Gooning - ‘simulated PE’
The first stage takes lots of will power. If you have a chronic masturbation/gooning habit you may have noticed that the longer you goon, the sooner it is before you reach edge.
So initially you will be focusing on re-wiring your triggers and habbits. If you manage not to cum for several days you will find yourself starting to edge sooner and sooner, maybe you start feeling the ability to cum after a couple of minutes. If you keep going it’ll get shorter and shorter. Judge your progress, after 5 or so days you should be down to a consistent 20-30 seconds of jerking before you HAVE TO STOP.
Unfortunately this feeling is only temporary, if you ejaculate now then you will go back to being able to last.
This first phase will feel extremely frustrating! You MUST NOT cum! Despite how much your body cries out. You must focus all your willpower, your desire to become a permanent premature ejaculator must outweigh the pleasure you feel when cumming.
Keep jerking off, edging, stopping, jerking off, edging, stopping! Get up to one whole week of this!
Your mind will be a mix of emotions, I’m sorry to say you may find yourself not enjoying masturbation because of how little of it you can do without having to stop (BTW, this is what a permanent premature ejaculator feels like), yet you will be horny all the time.
When you start to feel these feelings (but no sooner than one week) stop, and continue to phase 2.
Phase 2. Conventional Ejaculation
Your first day of phase 2 will be spent without touching your dick at all. However, at this stage you’ll be well acquainted (or reacquainted) with what turns you on the most, spend the first day of phase 2 with this porn. Let it become a part of you, let it turn you on so much. But do not stroke your dick. Jerking off today is as unobtainable as the tits or pussies you see on your screen.
The next day you will start phase 2 proper. Your task will be to bring up your favorite porn, start jerking, and cum as soon as you feel the need:
Because you have at least seven whole edging days of cum built up you will be so ready to explode, you will cum so easily, HOWEVER, you MUST CUM AS SOON AS YOU FEEL READY! DO NOT HOLD OFF You must experiment relaxing the muscles above and around your penis, it’s the same muscle set you relax when taking a pee, so try that. Feel what that feels like, remember which muscles you relaxed. If you want to extend your jerk-off session you may look at porn without touching your dick, but from the moment you touch your dick you must not stop jerking till you cum.
Let your cum explode, and enjoy your release.
Then put your penis away. You’ve had your fun. No matter how horny you are you must not jerk off again this day.
The next day, browse your favorite porn without touching your dick. When you’re ready to cum, grab your dick, and while stroking try to relax the same muscles as yesterday…. You will find that when you’re ready to cum it will just happen, it may even take you by surprise! Remember how easy it was yesterday? Well today it was almost as easy!
This will be your life for the next two weeks. You must not jerk off unless you’re ready and willing to cum in the next few minutes, and when you’ve cum that must be the end for the day. While you’re jerking you must relax your muscles.
Over the 14 days you will notice the time taken to cum and your ability to resist cumming will reduce. Perhaps you can record your timings, make a graph of it, chart your descent.
What we are doing is causing your ejaculatory muscles to dystrophy. We are physically reducing your ability to hold back. It will take at least two weeks of this behavior for long-term effects to materialize, but it will be worth it in the end.
Welcome to the Premature Ejaculator club. Just be sure you want to be here, getting in in your control, but getting out is a billion dollar industry ;-)
  • 6
Vor 1 Monat
This is the exact thing I’ve been trying to get into. Can you chat on here?
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
Low vitamin D links to being premature?? Explains my massive increase in stamina after I started multivits!
  • 0
Vor 1 Jahr
In addition! Avoiding foods with calcium and most importantly Vitamin D! Low Vitamin D level are a direct link to premature ejaculation!
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